We, us and our
Discovery Life Limited, a public company with limited
liability, as well as a licensed insurer and authorised
financial and credit services provider, registered under the
company laws of the Republic of South Africa, registration
number 1966/003901/06; Discovery Life Investment Services Pty
(Ltd): Registration number 2007/005969/07; Discovery Life
Collective Investments (Pty) Ltd: Registration number
2007/008998/07; Cogence (Pty) Ltd Registration number
2009/011658/07, and where applicable Discovery Vitality
(Proprietary) Limited ("Vitality"), a private company with
limited liability registered under the company laws of the
Republic of South Africa, or both companies as the case may
be. The main place of business of the above companies is at 1
Discovery Place, Sandton, Johannesburg 2196
You and your
means the owner of the investment or a member of a retirement
The investments means the local or international investment
portfolio, investment portfolios or funds, or model portfolios
comprising a group or groups of investment instruments,
including any financial products, derivative instruments,
securities, loans of money, and any other assets or investment
instruments that are managed from time to time by Cogence on
behalf of the client in terms of this mandate.
Your personal information
refers to all personal information the Discovery Group has
about you, or the persons who are related to you or under your
authority (as relevant). It includes: · Financial information
· Information about your health, race or ethnic origin,
biometrics, criminal behaviour and religion · Your gender or
sex · Your age · Unique identifiers, such as your identity
number or contact numbers; and · Addresses.
Process information
means the automated or manual activity of collecting,
recording, organising, storing, updating, distributing and
removing or deleting personal information.
Competent person
means anyone who is legally competent to consent to any action
or decision being taken for any matter concerning a child, for
example a parent or legal guardian.
Discovery Group / Discovery
refers to Discovery Limited and its subsidiaries.
Purpose of this Privacy Statement
When you engage with us, you trust us with personal information
about yourself, your spouse, your dependants, your beneficiaries
and (in some cases) your employees. We are committed to
protecting your right to privacy. We will take all reasonable
steps to keep Your Personal Information safe and confidential.
The purpose of this Privacy Statement is to set out how we
collect, use, share and otherwise process your personal
information, in line with the Protection of Personal Information
Act (POPIA).
Acceptance is voluntary
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal
information. It is voluntary to accept these terms and
conditions. However, we need your acceptance to activate and
service your investment.
This means that if you do not accept the terms and conditions, we cannot activate and service your investment. The acceptance of these terms and conditions and the permission given to process your personal information will continue after your death.
This means that if you do not accept the terms and conditions, we cannot activate and service your investment. The acceptance of these terms and conditions and the permission given to process your personal information will continue after your death.
We keep personal information confidential
We will keep your personal information confidential. You may
have given us this information yourself or we may have collected
it from other sources. If you share your personal information
with any third parties, we will not be responsible for any loss
you, your dependants, your beneficiaries or your spouse suffers.
Authority to act for other people
You warrant that when you give us personal information about
your dependants, beneficiaries or spouse, you have their
permission to share their personal information with us. You
understand that when you include your spouse, beneficiaries or
dependants on your application, we will process their personal
information for the activation of the policy or benefit and to
pursue their legitimate interest. We will also process their
information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement
and any other related purpose. If you are giving consent for us
to Process information of a person under 18 (a minor), you
confirm that you are a competent person and that you have
authority to give consent on their behalf.
By signing this form, you confirm that you give us consent to: ·
Share the policy information with the appointed financial
adviser, including your personal information. This refers to
information that is necessary to ensure the efficient
administration of the policy and to make sure that we comply
with all relevant legislation. · Share your health information
with the financial adviser during any underwriting process. ·
Process your information using automated means (that is without
human intervention in the decision-making process) to make a
decision about you or your application for any product or
service. You may query the decision made about you.
Indemnity and the parties' responsibilities
You agree to indemnify us against any loss or damage, direct or
indirect, that you (as an investor) suffer because of the
unauthorised use of your personal information. Each party
accepts responsibility to the extent that the activities of
processing personal information fall under the control of that
party. They also agree to indemnify the other parties against
any loss or damage, direct or indirect, that an investor may
suffer because of any unauthorised use of your personal
information or if a breach of the personal information occurs.
However, this is only if that party controls the processing of
that personal information.
Sanction screening
You consent and agree that: · We may process your information
and the information of your shareholders and beneficial owners,
including personal and special personal information, to do
sanction screening against all mandatory and non-mandatory
sanctions lists and to monitor transactions. · You also consent
to us communicating such personal information to local and
international regulatory bodies as well as to other entities in
the Discovery Group if you, your shareholders or beneficial
owners are matched to one of these sanctions lists. You
understand that we may immediately end this agreement or
application if you or any shareholders or beneficial owners are
found to be on a sanctions list.
Purpose for processing your personal information
You agree that we may process your personal information for the
following purposes: · Administering this investment · Assessing
any claims under this investment · Allowing any of the following
to let you know about or offer to you any improved benefits or
new products that you may qualify for: · Any company in the
Discovery Group · Any third-party provider · Any financial
services provider or its representative approved by Cogence ·
Giving relevant information, including your personal
information, to a contracted third party who needs the
information to provide a service to you for this investment. We
will make sure that the third party has agreed to keep the
information confidential.
Sharing personal information with third parties
If a third party asks us for any of your personal information,
we will share it with them only if: · You have already given
your consent for the disclosure of this information to that
third party. · We have a legal or contractual duty to give the
information to that third party. · It is for any of the purposes
set out in this privacy statement.
Sharing personal information with Vitality
If you are a member of the Vitality programme, you further agree
that we may process your personal information for: ·
Administering the Vitality programme · Rendering any services
that you or any dependant on your Vitality policy may need ·
Rendering services through Vitality · Giving relevant
information to a contracted third party who needs such
information to render a service to you or any dependant on your
Vitality policy. This is only if such contracted third party
agrees to keep the information confidential.
Sharing personal information with the Discovery Group
You confirm that we may share your personal information within
the Discovery Group of companies for all the following: ·
Administration · Fraud prevention · Providing Group-wide
services, benefits and infrastructure (where necessary) to help
you in your personal or professional capacity
Sharing for research and improvement purposes
You also confirm that we may share, both within the Discovery
Group and with our service providers, and combine all your
personal information, including your unique identifiers. It can
be for any one or more of the following purposes, directly or
through a third party: · Market, statistical and academic
research, including cross-company analytics · The customisation
and enhancement of our benefits and services to meet your needs
· The conducting of surveys relating to our products and
services · The marketing of our services to you. You agree that
we may share your personal information with third parties, such
as academics and researchers, including those outside South
Africa. We make sure that the academics and researchers will
keep your personal information confidential and all data will be
made anonymous to the extent possible and where appropriate. If
we publish the results of this research, we will not identify
you by name. No personal information will be made available to a
third party unless that third party has agreed to abide by
strict confidentiality protocols that we call for. If we want to
share your personal information for any other reason, we will do
so only with your permission.
Obtaining and sharing personal information for credit purposes
By signing this application form, you authorise us to get and
share information about your creditworthiness with any credit
bureau or credit providers industry association or industry
body. This includes information about credit history, financial
history, judgments, default history and sharing of information
for risk analysis, tracing and any related purposes.
Right to communicate electronically
We have the right to communicate with you electronically about
any changes on your investment, including your contributions or
changes and improvements to the benefits you are entitled to on
the investment you have chosen.
Obtaining personal information for data quality purposes
We have a duty to take all reasonably practicable steps to make
sure your personal information is complete, accurate, not
misleading and updated on a regular basis. To do this, we will
always try to get personal information from you directly. Where
we cannot, we will use verifiable independent third-party data
Duty to keep you informed
We have a duty to keep you updated about any offers and new
products that we make available from time to time. Any entity
within the Discovery Group and contracted third-party service
providers may communicate with you about these.
Direct Electronic Marketing
You may opt out of electronic marketing by: · Logging in to your
profile on www.discovery.co.za or the Discovery app · Following
the unsubscribe prompts on the electronic marketing
communication received · By letting your appointed financial
adviser know · By calling 0860 67 57 77 We will store your
personal information so we can action this request and action it
as soon as reasonably possible.
You have the right to know what personal information we have
We may keep your personal information until you ask us to delete
or destroy it. We will comply with your request unless the law
allows us to retain your personal information or where we think
it is necessary to retain your personal information for the
pursuit of our legitimate business purposes. You have the right
to know what personal information we hold about you. We will
take all reasonable steps to confirm your identity before giving
details of your personal information. We may charge a fee for
this service and we will let you know what it is when you ask
for your information. You have the right to ask us to update,
correct or delete your personal information by completing the
Request for Deletion or Correction of Information form that is
available on the Discovery website at
www.discovery.co.za/corporate/privacy/. Where we cannot delete
your personal information, we will take all steps to make it
anonymous. The following are examples of laws that call for us
to collect and keep personal information: · The Financial
Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FAIS) · The Financial
Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) · The Long-term Insurance Act
(LTIA) · The Financial Sector Regulation Act (FSRA) · The
Consumer Protection Act (CPA) · The Pension Funds Act (PFA) ·
The Collective Investment Schemes Control Act (CISCA)
Transferring your personal information outside South Africa
You agree that we may transfer your personal information outside
South Africa: · If you give us an email address that is hosted
outside South Africa · To administer certain services, for
example cloud services · Where needed to administer any offshore
product, for example your Global Endowment Investment We will
make sure that any country, company or person that we pass your
personal information to agrees to treat your information with
the same level of protection as we must.
Sharing your personal information for merger, acquisition or
sale purposes
If we become involved in a proposed or actual merger,
acquisition or any form of sale of any assets, we have the right
to share your personal information with third parties in
connection with the transaction. In the case of a merger,
acquisition or sale, the new entity will have access to your
personal information. The terms of this Privacy Statement will
continue to apply.
Changing this Privacy Statement
We may change this Privacy Statement at any time. The most
updated version will be always be available on
What to do if you have any concerns
If you believe that we have used your personal information
contrary to this Privacy Statement, you have the right to lodge
a complaint with the Information Regulator. However, we
encourage you to first follow our internal complaints process to
resolve the complaint or to contact our information officer at
privacy@discovery.co.za. If you have done this and you feel that
we have not resolved your complaint adequately, please contact
the Information Regulator.
Contact details for the Information Regulator (South Africa)
Information Regulator JD House 27 Stiemens Street Braamfontein
Johannesburg PO Box 31533 Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001
PAIAComplaints@inforegulator.org.za or POPIAComplaints
We, us and our
Discovery Life Limited, a public company with limited liability,
as well as a licensed insurer and authorised financial and
credit services provider, registered under the company laws of
the Republic of South Africa, registration number
1966/003901/06; Discovery Life Investment Services Pty (Ltd):
Registration number 2007/005969/07; Discovery Life Collective
Investments (Pty) Ltd: Registration number 2007/008998/07;
Cogence (Pty) Ltd Registration number 2009/011658/07, and where
applicable Discovery Vitality (Proprietary) Limited
("Vitality"), a private company with limited liability
registered under the company laws of the Republic of South
Africa, or both companies as the case may be. The main place of
business of the above companies is at 1 Discovery Place,
Sandton, Johannesburg 2196
You and your
means the owner of the investment or a member of a retirement
The investments means the local or international investment
portfolio, investment portfolios or funds, or model portfolios
comprising a group or groups of investment instruments,
including any financial products, derivative instruments,
securities, loans of money, and any other assets or investment
instruments that are managed from time to time by Cogence on
behalf of the client in terms of this mandate.
Your personal information
refers to all personal information the Discovery Group has about
you, or the persons who are related to you or under your
authority (as relevant). It includes: · Financial information ·
Information about your health, race or ethnic origin,
biometrics, criminal behaviour and religion · Your gender or sex
· Your age · Unique identifiers, such as your identity number or
contact numbers; and · Addresses.
Process information
means the automated or manual activity of collecting, recording,
organising, storing, updating, distributing and removing or
deleting personal information.
Competent person
means anyone who is legally competent to consent to any action
or decision being taken for any matter concerning a child, for
example a parent or legal guardian.
Discovery Group / Discovery
refers to Discovery Limited and its subsidiaries.
Purpose of this Privacy Statement
When you engage with us, you trust us with personal information
about yourself, your spouse, your dependants, your beneficiaries
and (in some cases) your employees. We are committed to protecting
your right to privacy. We will take all reasonable steps to keep
Your Personal Information safe and confidential. The purpose of
this Privacy Statement is to set out how we collect, use, share
and otherwise process your personal information, in line with the
Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA).
Acceptance is voluntary
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal
information. It is voluntary to accept these terms and conditions.
However, we need your acceptance to activate and service your
This means that if you do not accept the terms and conditions, we cannot activate and service your investment. The acceptance of these terms and conditions and the permission given to process your personal information will continue after your death.
This means that if you do not accept the terms and conditions, we cannot activate and service your investment. The acceptance of these terms and conditions and the permission given to process your personal information will continue after your death.
We keep personal information confidential
We will keep your personal information confidential. You may have
given us this information yourself or we may have collected it
from other sources. If you share your personal information with
any third parties, we will not be responsible for any loss you,
your dependants, your beneficiaries or your spouse suffers.
Authority to act for other people
You warrant that when you give us personal information about your
dependants, beneficiaries or spouse, you have their permission to
share their personal information with us. You understand that when
you include your spouse, beneficiaries or dependants on your
application, we will process their personal information for the
activation of the policy or benefit and to pursue their legitimate
interest. We will also process their information for the purposes
set out in this Privacy Statement and any other related purpose.
If you are giving consent for us to Process information of a
person under 18 (a minor), you confirm that you are a competent
person and that you have authority to give consent on their
By signing this form, you confirm that you give us consent to: ·
Share the policy information with the appointed financial adviser,
including your personal information. This refers to information
that is necessary to ensure the efficient administration of the
policy and to make sure that we comply with all relevant
legislation. · Share your health information with the financial
adviser during any underwriting process. · Process your
information using automated means (that is without human
intervention in the decision-making process) to make a decision
about you or your application for any product or service. You may
query the decision made about you.
Indemnity and the parties' responsibilities
You agree to indemnify us against any loss or damage, direct or
indirect, that you (as an investor) suffer because of the
unauthorised use of your personal information. Each party accepts
responsibility to the extent that the activities of processing
personal information fall under the control of that party. They
also agree to indemnify the other parties against any loss or
damage, direct or indirect, that an investor may suffer because of
any unauthorised use of your personal information or if a breach
of the personal information occurs. However, this is only if that
party controls the processing of that personal information.
Sanction screening
You consent and agree that: · We may process your information and
the information of your shareholders and beneficial owners,
including personal and special personal information, to do
sanction screening against all mandatory and non-mandatory
sanctions lists and to monitor transactions. · You also consent to
us communicating such personal information to local and
international regulatory bodies as well as to other entities in
the Discovery Group if you, your shareholders or beneficial owners
are matched to one of these sanctions lists. You understand that
we may immediately end this agreement or application if you or any
shareholders or beneficial owners are found to be on a sanctions
Purpose for processing your personal information
You agree that we may process your personal information for the
following purposes: · Administering this investment · Assessing
any claims under this investment · Allowing any of the following
to let you know about or offer to you any improved benefits or new
products that you may qualify for: · Any company in the Discovery
Group · Any third-party provider · Any financial services provider
or its representative approved by Cogence · Giving relevant
information, including your personal information, to a contracted
third party who needs the information to provide a service to you
for this investment. We will make sure that the third party has
agreed to keep the information confidential.
Sharing personal information with third parties
If a third party asks us for any of your personal information, we
will share it with them only if: · You have already given your
consent for the disclosure of this information to that third
party. · We have a legal or contractual duty to give the
information to that third party. · It is for any of the purposes
set out in this privacy statement.
Sharing personal information with Vitality
If you are a member of the Vitality programme, you further agree
that we may process your personal information for: · Administering
the Vitality programme · Rendering any services that you or any
dependant on your Vitality policy may need · Rendering services
through Vitality · Giving relevant information to a contracted
third party who needs such information to render a service to you
or any dependant on your Vitality policy. This is only if such
contracted third party agrees to keep the information
Sharing personal information with the Discovery Group
You confirm that we may share your personal information within the
Discovery Group of companies for all the following: ·
Administration · Fraud prevention · Providing Group-wide services,
benefits and infrastructure (where necessary) to help you in your
personal or professional capacity
Sharing for research and improvement purposes
You also confirm that we may share, both within the Discovery
Group and with our service providers, and combine all your
personal information, including your unique identifiers. It can be
for any one or more of the following purposes, directly or through
a third party: · Market, statistical and academic research,
including cross-company analytics · The customisation and
enhancement of our benefits and services to meet your needs · The
conducting of surveys relating to our products and services · The
marketing of our services to you. You agree that we may share your
personal information with third parties, such as academics and
researchers, including those outside South Africa. We make sure
that the academics and researchers will keep your personal
information confidential and all data will be made anonymous to
the extent possible and where appropriate. If we publish the
results of this research, we will not identify you by name. No
personal information will be made available to a third party
unless that third party has agreed to abide by strict
confidentiality protocols that we call for. If we want to share
your personal information for any other reason, we will do so only
with your permission.
Obtaining and sharing personal information for credit purposes
By signing this application form, you authorise us to get and
share information about your creditworthiness with any credit
bureau or credit providers industry association or industry body.
This includes information about credit history, financial history,
judgments, default history and sharing of information for risk
analysis, tracing and any related purposes.
Right to communicate electronically
We have the right to communicate with you electronically about any
changes on your investment, including your contributions or
changes and improvements to the benefits you are entitled to on
the investment you have chosen.
Obtaining personal information for data quality purposes
We have a duty to take all reasonably practicable steps to make
sure your personal information is complete, accurate, not
misleading and updated on a regular basis. To do this, we will
always try to get personal information from you directly. Where we
cannot, we will use verifiable independent third-party data
Duty to keep you informed
We have a duty to keep you updated about any offers and new
products that we make available from time to time. Any entity
within the Discovery Group and contracted third-party service
providers may communicate with you about these.
Direct Electronic Marketing
You may opt out of electronic marketing by: · Logging in to your
profile on www.discovery.co.za or the Discovery app · Following
the unsubscribe prompts on the electronic marketing communication
received · By letting your appointed financial adviser know · By
calling 0860 67 57 77 We will store your personal information so
we can action this request and action it as soon as reasonably
You have the right to know what personal information we have
We may keep your personal information until you ask us to delete
or destroy it. We will comply with your request unless the law
allows us to retain your personal information or where we think it
is necessary to retain your personal information for the pursuit
of our legitimate business purposes. You have the right to know
what personal information we hold about you. We will take all
reasonable steps to confirm your identity before giving details of
your personal information. We may charge a fee for this service
and we will let you know what it is when you ask for your
information. You have the right to ask us to update, correct or
delete your personal information by completing the Request for
Deletion or Correction of Information form that is available on
the Discovery website at www.discovery.co.za/corporate/privacy/.
Where we cannot delete your personal information, we will take all
steps to make it anonymous. The following are examples of laws
that call for us to collect and keep personal information: · The
Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FAIS) · The
Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) · The Long-term Insurance
Act (LTIA) · The Financial Sector Regulation Act (FSRA) · The
Consumer Protection Act (CPA) · The Pension Funds Act (PFA) · The
Collective Investment Schemes Control Act (CISCA)
Transferring your personal information outside South Africa
You agree that we may transfer your personal information outside
South Africa: · If you give us an email address that is hosted
outside South Africa · To administer certain services, for example
cloud services · Where needed to administer any offshore product,
for example your Global Endowment Investment We will make sure
that any country, company or person that we pass your personal
information to agrees to treat your information with the same
level of protection as we must.
Sharing your personal information for merger, acquisition or sale
If we become involved in a proposed or actual merger, acquisition
or any form of sale of any assets, we have the right to share your
personal information with third parties in connection with the
transaction. In the case of a merger, acquisition or sale, the new
entity will have access to your personal information. The terms of
this Privacy Statement will continue to apply.
Changing this Privacy Statement
We may change this Privacy Statement at any time. The most updated
version will be always be available on
What to do if you have any concerns
If you believe that we have used your personal information
contrary to this Privacy Statement, you have the right to lodge a
complaint with the Information Regulator. However, we encourage
you to first follow our internal complaints process to resolve the
complaint or to contact our information officer at
privacy@discovery.co.za. If you have done this and you feel that
we have not resolved your complaint adequately, please contact the
Information Regulator.
Contact details for the Information Regulator (South Africa)
Information Regulator JD House 27 Stiemens Street Braamfontein
Johannesburg PO Box 31533 Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001
PAIAComplaints@inforegulator.org.za or POPIAComplaints